

Fondazione MATER is a non-profit foundation, based in Geneva. The foundation was established in 2020 by chef Walter el Nagar, whose reputation as a chef goes hand in hand with his commitment to social engagement. The aim of the foundation is to promote social inclusion through nutrition, to provide access to a balanced diet for vulnerable people or victims of social exclusion, and to combat food waste. MATER offers high-end contemporary cuisine for all, including those who cannot afford it. It is at the same time, both a “social and culinary experience”, through selecting local, seasonal produce and adhering to a zero-waste policy.


Serving nutritionally-balanced meals to people living in situations of precarity or social exclusion, in coordination with humanitarian organizations based in Geneva.


Welcoming, with dignity, those living in precarity and offering an out-of-the-ordinary moment to people in need.


Developing a nutritional programme in collaboration with organizations committed to ending hunger.


Addressing the challenges of product surplus and mass retail oversupply.


Setting up training courses, organized by a team of well-known chefs, for the younger generation of up-and-coming chefs and for those in difficulty, looking for work.
values of Mater Fondazione

Foundation Board

Refettorio Geneva Board




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